<%response.CacheControl="Public"%><%response.Expires=240%> Be in harmony with the world

Hinduism Essay

Self-help resources

by Jayaram V

Listen to the messages

We look to friends, family, specialists, institutiosn, books and spiritual masters for guidance, inspiration and help. Sometimes, they help and sometimes they do not. You may also need to spend time and money or make an extra effort to receive their help.

While you may continue to use these options to guide youself or solve your problms you may also consider another option, which is freely available to you and for which you do not have to depend upon others but your own discretion, intution and inteligence. It is by looking for the hidden messages the universe keeps sending you constantly.

We rarely look within ourselves and search for answers or pay attention to the messages that keep coming to us in various forms. As a result we miss many subliminal messages, signs and omens that keep coming to us from various sources . You may be surprise to know that you have an invisible connection with the world and the universe. You are part of them and  you are forever connected to them both physically and mentally. You are immersed in an ocean of intelligence. Your mind is part of a vast intelligence. With your knowledge and experience you are constatnly updating and improving the intelligence of Nature and helping it unfold the furtehr course of evolution. With some effort you can open yourself to that intelligence and establish a two way communication, whereb you not only enrich the intelligence of the universe with your unique experiences and learning, but also benefit from the intelligence that wants to guid you and help you. Everyday, you receive subliminal messages as advice, warnings, and solutions. Unless you are wellprepared and receptive, you will miss them as most people do. In fact many people do not notice them because they are preoccupied with other matters and concerns.

You may ask, "How can I recognize these messages?"

Uusuall messages come from such sources beyond your will and control. Look for events that happen on their own, rather unexpectedly or coincidentally. Actions and events that happen due to the will and actions of others or due to the acts of God happen for a reason. You have to find out what is their relevance and how you are connected to them.

How to receive guidance from such messages

Here is a simple suggestion to receive guidance from the invisible forces of the universe or your own hidden energies. Anyalize experiences that catch your attention, which may be a dream, an unexpected event, a chance meeting, a sudden feeling, a conversation, or any event that bothers you or seizes your mind. Ask yourself, what message could be hidden in that experience, what it was trying to convey to you.

In every experience, there is a visible content and a hidden content. The visible content is made up of the structure and component of that experience, whereas its underlying purpose of intention is the hidden message. One way to find that message is to ask yourself questions such as these.

What is it trying to teach me?

Why it happened to me?

What is the hidden message?

What lessons it intends to teach me?

What improvements it wants me to accomplish?

Why am I feeling this?

Why am I having this experience?

If you ask questions such as these from time to time in your daily life as you go through many events and situations, you learn to perceive the hidden messages that life throws at you. You can use such messages to improve yourself, solve your problems and safeguard yourself from unforeseen situations.

When you will be able to listen to such messages intuitively

You may also need some preparation to receive and read such accurately. The following factors help.

1. Detachment. The more detached you are from external things, the greater will be the clarity in receiving the messages.

2. Expectations. Keep your mind free from desires and expectations.

3. Freedom from fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety may either block the messages or distort them.

4. Belief. You must believe in your ability to receive message. If there is no faith, you may not be receptive to the messages.

5. Suspend judgment. You must let the messages come to you freely without evaluation, criticism and judgment.

6. Keep the messages to yourself. If you disclose to others, they may confuse you with their own interpretation.

If you persist in practice and cultivate appropriate attitude and mindset, you will be able to benefit largely from the hidden messages the universe keeps sending you constanly.


Suggestions for Further Reading