How to Condition Yourself for Success

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by Juanita Bellavance

You’ve tried before and now you are ready to go for it again.

This time you will want to condition yourself for the win.

Now you know there is more to success than you thought previously. What’s your first step then?

Your mindset is the first thing to address.

Until you have had enough experience of your own to master the area of your choice, you will want to choose a masterful mentor.

Choose someone you have complete confidence in and then “do what the teacher says do.” In other words, “be coachable!”

Let’s take a moment to consider the concept “do what the teacher says do.”

In general, when a teacher is telling you the steps to achievement of a lesson, the teacher knows exactly what to do to achieve the result.

In the process of following the instruction, you may think you could skip a step the teacher is telling you to do.

The choice is yours. However, to achieve the exact result the teacher promises, you will need to do every step taught. To do otherwise will achieve a result.

The result will be a different one than what the teacher is promising. You can only hold yourself responsible for the outcome when you veer off the track of what the teacher is teaching you.

Now that you are prepared to “do what the teacher says do,” your next step is to align your body with your goals. Create an exercise plan. If you already exercise regularly, congratulations.

You will want to increase your regimen.

If you are not exercising, you will need to create a plan that you will stick to.

Make the plan match your current abilities.

For example, one entrepreneur decided to get in better physical condition.

As a first step toward that goal, she began going up and down the stairs ten times every morning. She began by doing only two repetitions.

The next day, three, the next day, four, until she was doing ten times. Gradually she began doing ten times in a row almost effortlessly and began increasing the repetitions to twenty.

In the meantime, while catching her breath between segments, she began doing some arm strengthening “push-ups” against a table standing up.

Besides committing to follow the instructions of the teacher, you will need the emotional support of peers.

For that reason, you will want to be part of our success conditioning mastermind group.

As the first assignment for students of my teleseminar class, students are required to determine a physical exercise they are willing to commit to and email the group what the exercise is and what time each day it will be done.

Then, report to the group daily the number of repetitions you have done that day.

Why the big deal over exercising when it has nothing to do with the specific business goal you have? Several reasons:

It will increase your energy level.

It will create a positive state of mind and release your power.

It will strengthen your muscle for taking disciplined action and keeping your word to yourself.

It is a baby step toward committing to an action and following through on it.

Suggestions for Further Reading

Author:Juanita Bellavance, the author of this article is CEO-CoFounder, Audacious Enterprises. For a FREE teleclass "How to Create a Marketing Funnel that Makes You Money" go here:

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