10 Intuition Inhibiting Factors


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by Jayaram V

Summary: This essay is about the meaning and importance of intuition and the factors that suppress or inhibit it

Intuition is the ability to know something instantaneously, without the need to apply consciously the faculties of the mind. It is a hunch or gut feeling, which plays an important role in problem solving and decision making. Intuition may better be described as the rapid response function of the mind, which brings us the immediate knowledge of perceived things, without the intervention of its normal cognitive functions.

Intuition and empathy are interrelated. If you have empathy, you can intuit other people’s feelings and state of mind. Since empathetic people feel other people’s feelings and relate to them mentally and emotionally, they are good at establishing harmony and rapport with others and respond to them at a deeper level. If you are intuitive, chances are you will be more sensitive and attentive.

Spiritually speaking, intuition is a higher function of the mind, which functions well when one is free from the modifications of the mind that are caused by desires, attachments and egoism. In that state of freedom and emptiness, knowledge becomes self-evident, as the mind experiences unity or oneness with the essence of the things perceived. It happens when the mind is empty and at ease, and the senses are rather subdued or inactive. Introspection, meditation and contemplation enhance our intuitive ability, whereas problems and worries reduce it or suppress it

Intuition is not an irrational process, although at times it may seem to be, nor is it an instinctual process. Instinct requires experience, familiarity and past knowledge to function effectively, but the same is not the case with intuition, which can work without experience or prior knowledge of things and situations. Intuition plays an important role in creativity, problem solving and decision making. However, since it is erratic and unpredictable, one cannot totally rely upon it.

Many factors such as experience, knowledge, familiarity, and receptivity play an important role in the intuitive process. In the following essay, we will examine the factors that inhibit intuition and the intuitive process. By taking care of them, you can increase your chances of becoming more intuitive and bring it into your daily life to identify and resolve problems, make decisions and establish healthy, working relationships. However, it is important to remember that intuition does not fit into a predictable, working model. Hence, the same factors, which normally inhibit intuition, may also facilitate it in exceptional circumstances.

Factors that Inhibit Intuition

1. Mental disturbances: In the disturbed, restless and unstable state, it is difficult to discern intuitive signals amidst the noise of the mind. Therefore, the mind must be peaceful and free from disturbances, so that the intuitive messages can reach the conscious mind without distortions and confusion.

2. Impatience: In the rush of things, you will be too busy and preoccupied to notice your intuitive feelings or observe others or know what is happening in your environment. If you want to be intuitive, you must have patience, and you must pay attention to what goes on in you and around you.

3. Lack of creativity: Intuitive messages come in different forms as hunches, dreams, symbols, images, feelings and premonitions. Unless you are creative, you will not be able to discern the symbolism or the hidden patterns which are buried in your intuition. Therefore, sharpen your imagination, creativity.

4. Insensitivity: Intuition is a deeper feeling and a subtle function of the brain. Unless you are sensitive to yourself and your deeper feelings, and to others, you will not be receptive to it. Therefore, cultivate a caring and empathetic attitude and become sensitive to your deeper feelings and the world around you.

5. Attitude: If you do not believe in intuition, you will not pay attention to it, nor will you take it seriously, denying yourself an important source of information. The same will happen, if you excessively rely upon logic, and refuse to consider any other alternative to make your decisions or solve your problems.

6. Superficiality: Those who live on the surface lose touch with their deeper selves. As they are drawn outwardly and engage in shallow thinking and impulsive behavior, they lose their intuitive ability. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to your feelings and emotions, and practice meditation.

7. Distractions: Intuition requires discipline, concentration and attention. If you are distracted by numerous preoccupations and worldly matters, you will not have time to know yourself or pay attention to your deeper thoughts and feelings. Therefore, at times it is necessary to spend time with yourself.

8. Desires and attachments: They limit your thinking and focus. Because of them you will have like and dislikes, preferences and prejudices. They do not let you think freely, whereas intuition requires a free mind, which is not constrained by such limitations. To be intuitive, you need an open and flexible mind.

9. Fear and anxiety: Fear and anxiety are major inhibition factors of intuition. Stress is another important factor, which is closely associated with them. When you are under their influence, you cannot think freely, nor can you listen to your intuition with an open and unbiased mind. Therefore, learn to relax.

10. Environment: Environment plays an important role in intuition. Noisy and disturbing places or busy lifestyles are not conducive to intuitive thinking, whereas calm and relaxing environment and silent surroundings are helpful. If you want to sharpen your intuition, you have to find favorable environment.


With the help of intuition, you can make quick decision, without having to gather information and weigh the alternatives. It is important to remember that intuition defies logic and known cognitive patterns. It does not fit into a predictable working pattern. Therefore, although certain factors seem to inhibit it, the same factors may trigger intuition. For example, studies show that intuition may provide quick decisions or solutions in critical conditions when one is constrained by fear, time and other stressful factors.

Suggestions for Further Reading

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